About Me


Hi! I’m Clara, Founder of Reglow Living.

To realise your ideal living space, you need dedicated know-how and the right kind of support you can trust. As a certified KonMari Consultant, I coach and support clients to achieve their vision of an organized and tidy home.

It is my mission to enable you to prioritize yourself, create a home you love and make room for joy using the KonMari Method™ of tidying and organising.

Currently living back in Singapore, our family of 4 had spent the last 10 years in Shanghai and New York. Having lived in 3 different countries and 6 different homes in the last decade, I deeply appreciate the importance of creating a home in which every member of the household feels a sense of belonging to. A place of residence is merely a dwelling unless it feels like home. I also understand the unique challenges and struggles parents face while trying to balance family and self.

I grew up in a messy home and was always trying in vain to tidy the shared living spaces. I would embark on a throwing spree every so often in an effort to tidy the living rooms but the mess would always insidiously accumulate again, as if it grew organically! I still remember the frustration of having to look high and low for a pair of scissors when I needed one.

When I had my own place, I prided myself on being clutter-free. However, I still spent much time trying to organise, and reorganise my belongings. In 2017, out of sheer curiosity, I picked up Marie Kondo’s bestselling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. It taught me how to organize and tidy my belongings. This process also fundamentally transformed the relationship I have with my possessions.  

Today, I find immense satisfaction working with families and individuals to help them create a space they will love, a space that sparks joy. A space that lets you glow, again.

I invite you to join me on this magical, life-changing journey of tidying.